Sweet beginnings for Phindi Dlamini

Phindi was born, raised and schooled on a sugarcane plantation in Swaziland. Life was simple and sweet. This is where she met and befriended Green Home MD, Catherine Morris. Moving to Johannesburg years later, Phindi became increasingly concerned by the general lack of environmental consciousness of many of those living around her, and her desire…

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5 Facts about Genetically Modified (GM) Maize and South Africa

Fact 1: South Africa is the only country in the world which has allowed the main staple of its diet, maize, to be genetically modified (GM). Fact 2:  Around 77% of maize production in South Africa is GM. Fact 3: Elsewhere in the world GM maize is grown primarily to feed livestock globally. Fact 4:…

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Shell Spoof: Live with it! iPhone app.

This brilliant spoof campaign was created by Dutch Friends of the Earth in an attempt  to hold Royal Dutch Shell accountable for their continued reckless pollutionof the Niger Delta. The Live with it! iPhone app allows users to find alternative water sources if their own water supply  is contaminated as well  as to earn points…

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