Food Containers Leach a Potentially Harmful Chemical

According to an article by David Biello in the highly reputable publication, ‘Scientific American’, Bisphenol A – a primary ingredient in plastic food containers – is potentially a harmful chemical that has been linked to diseases like cancer. For the full article read here.

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The lifespan of a tin can

Have you ever wondered how long it take for rubbish to degrade once it gets taken to a landfill or left in the environment? • Glass Bottle —————————1 million years • Monofilament Fishing Lines——–600 years • Plastic Beverage Bottle————–450 years • Disposable Diaper——————–450 years • Aluminum Can———————–80-200 years • Foamed Plastic Buoy—————-80 years • Foamed…

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Excess waste packaging campaign

Photo by Robert DayJust because we provide biodegradable packaging and take-away containers doesn’t mean we think that this is the answer to our environmental crisis when it comes to waste. The real answer is to reduce the amount we consume and reduce our dependency on packaging. That’s why loved this video launched by Green Voice…

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Food for thought

Check out this great article on Smithsonian Magazine’s website about biodegradable plastic made out of corn. This informative article provides a balanced and unbiased review of the debates around the issue.

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France imposes a ‘picnic tax’ on plastics

This article in The Telegraph, revealed that France has imposed a ‘picnic’ tax on plastic plates and cutlery as part of the country’s war on waste. The “taxe pique-nique” means that a tax of 90 cents per kilogram will be placed on disposable plastic cups from next year, aimed at cutting the average 360kg of…

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The milk bottle of the future

A company called Green Bottle have developed a green solution to milk containers – made from recycled paper! Unfortunately, it is only available in the UK at the moment but we hope it’s just a matter of time before we see the Green Bottle here in SA.

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New research on the environmental benefits of biodegradable packaging

According to an article on Discovery Channel’s online news site, a recent study has concluded that the manufacture of biodegradable alternatives to plastic such as those made from sugar-cane and corn, generate lower greenhouse gas emissions than petroleum-based plastics. Jian Yu and Lilian Chen of the University of Hawaii, Honolulu have published their finding in…

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Thailand set to become a major producer

According to the Bangkok Post, the Thai government is determined to turn the region into a major producer of biodegradable alternatives to plastic. To meet this goal, the government has approved a 1.8-billion-baht, five-year action plan. It has also vowed to increase it’s cassava (tapoica) yield to meet the demand for human consumption and for…

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The future looks bright for biodegradable packaging

The director of Sirane, one of the U.K.’s leading packaging producers, attended the bipolastics conference held in Prague and delivered a paper predicting a bright future for biodegradable packaging. Simon Balderson told delegates at the Prague conference, held in June, that ‘lighter biodegradable packaging is our most popular request from customers – and the drivers…

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