Last month we partnered with Joraform to test our products in one of their in-vessel compost machines, the Jora 400, at La Cuccina in Hout Bay. La Cuccina have recently acquired a Jora 400 to turn their food waste into nutrient rich compost on-site. They were happy for us to test how our biodegradable food packaging broke…
You may remember that last year we went looking for answers to the question: ‘Do Earthworms eat Compostable Packaging?’ We were assisted by avid worm farmer, Luke Beart, who was composting some of our products in earth farms on behalf of the good people at LexisNexis. Luke uses Red Wigglers, or Eisenia Fetida composting earthworms,…
At GREEN HOME, we love hearing composting stories from our clients. So, when news reached us that LexisNexis were composting our packaging in worm farms (how cool?!), we were keen to learn more. We were put in touch with Luke Beart, the man making it all happen. Luke has been composting up a storm – with…
Our mission is to create a SA in which zero green, or organic, waste goes to landfill. Happily, we’re in good company. Together with the many amazing people already composting at their homes and businesses, industry players are taking huge steps forward. Building a GREEN Future This year, GREEN HOME became a founder member of ORASA…
Need some good news? Read on. Because last week, Cass (GREEN HOME’s Environmental Research Ambassador) went to check out Reliance Compost. And she came away smiling. Like GREEN HOME, Reliance is dedicated to creating a South Africa in which zero organic waste goes to landfill. And they’re making serious progress to making that happen! Since 2001…
We recently rolled up our sleeves and ran composting trials of GREEN HOME products at Zero to Landfill Organics (ZTL) in Cape Town. In some ways the trials were predictable (spoiler alert: all our products are compostable) – but there were a few surprises. ZTL is an industrial, or large-scale, composting facility run by Melanie Ludwig.…
All GREEN HOME products have a nature-friendly end-of-life strategy. We didn’t create this strategy ourselves – far from it. It’s the same strategy nature has been using to recycle, regenerate and replenish life for many millions of years. Besides being classified as green waste, banana peels, carrot tops, food scraps, garden clippings and compostable food…
“No water, no life. No blue, no green.” – Sylvia Earle Water is an incredible resource. It replenishes and renews life as it travels across our planet through the complex processes of the water cycle. While flux is a natural part of this dynamic system, the negative impacts of human activity are pushing nature out…
Pashon Murray explains how applying a thin layer of compost can help create a feedback loop that puts carbon back into the soil. Using natures natural processes of composting, growing plants and then feeding the soil again helps absorb carbon from the atmosphere and put it back in the ground. What we choose to eat,…