Wake up call: The True Cost of Gadgets

The Gaia Foundation teamed up with Steve Cutts to bring us this video which looks at the true cost of gadgets driven lifestyles. Built in obsolescence has become a know fact about electronic goods that previous generations used to buy once in a lifetime. The fact that we renew electronic gadgets regularly has become the…

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Rethink the Bag: Campaign to Reduce Plastic Bags

South Africa has its very own campaign to reduce plastic bags, called Rethink the Bag. The website is full of information about South Africa’s plastic bag levy and the affects of plastic bags on our environment. This is a popular international movement and many cities have already banned the use of plastic bags. In South…

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Plastic Straws: Do We Need Them?

The Two Oceans Aquarium recently produced the poster on the left.  See their blog post Straws Suck.  We totally agree with the sentiment! Plastic straws are widely used without question.  It is standard practice to receive a straw with a cold drink at most fast food outlets and in most restaurants.  There are some scary…

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Plastic to fuel conversion from local inventor William Graham

William Graham of GrahamTek,an inventor based in the Strand, Cape Town has been working on a machine that converts plastic to oil. It’s a clean process using heat rather than incineration, with low emissions and produces a multi-fuel that can be used to power generators and machinery plus a by-product that can be turned into…

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City Rolls Out Phase Two of Home Composting Study

Imagine a Cape Town where households practice composting of organic waste either at home or via community composting centers and food gardens? It could become a reality depending on the success of the pilot project currently being conducted by the City of Cape Town. Of the approximately 1.6 million tons of waste sent to Cape Town’s landfills…

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