Nuclear Delusions

Greenpeace Africa columnist, Rex Wheeler’s , informative article, Nuclear Delusions, argues that nuclear power is not a solution to the global energy crisis. He points out that despite industry claims that that nuclear energy is a low carbon alternative, the evidence is to the contrary. He continues that the health risks involved are very real,…

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Video of the Month: Who Killed Economic Growth?

cartoon economic growth Who Killed Economic Growth? is a persuasive short video from the Post Carbon Institute that argues that contrary to what many governments and economists are saying, mankind has reached a major turning point in its economic history. We have reached the limits of economic growth, due to the non-negotiable restrictions of the…

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GASWALK: antiFRACK protest march, on WOMEN’S DAY, 9 August.

GASWALK: antiFRACK protest march, on WOMEN’S DAY, 9 Aug from the Natural History Museum in the Company Gardens, Cape Town : assemble at 10h30 – walk begins 11h00.FRACKING TOUCHES WOMAN, IT HAS TOUCHED A ROCK! A group of Capetonians, initiated by renowned photographer Kian Erikson, has organised GASWALK, a protest march against fracking, in partnership…

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NEWS WATCH: Renewable South Africa; Extreme Weather and Plastics and Food

Photo: Karsten Wurth According to Greenpeace’s newly released Advanced Energy [R]evolution Report, about 150 000 new jobs can be created in South Africa in the renewable energy sector over the next 20 years. A renewable energy project which will see the methane emissions from 5 landfills around Johannesburg being converted into electricity and fed into…

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“Look at this Godawful Mess.”

“And Man created the plastic bag and the tin and aluminium can and the cellophane wrapper and the paper plate, and this was good because Man could then take his automobile and buy all his food in one place and He could save that which was good to eat in the refrigerator and throw away…

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