We ran Composting Trials of our Products. What Happened?

We recently rolled up our sleeves and ran composting trials of GREEN HOME products at Zero to Landfill Organics (ZTL) in Cape Town. In some ways the trials were predictable (spoiler alert: all our products are compostable) – but there were a few surprises. ZTL is an industrial, or large-scale, composting facility run by Melanie Ludwig.…

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GREEN HOME Rocked Those Daisies

We packed the car, stocked up on sunblock and hit the road… destination – Rocking The Daisies 2017. And oh did we rock it! Festivals are a ton of fun, plenty to do, friends everywhere and new friends just waiting to be made. The perfect environment to spend a weekend. So what’s the downside? The…

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An Inconvenient Sequel – Fight Like Your World Depends On It

On the 13 September 2017 GREEN HOME had the pleasure of sponsoring the premier of An Inconvenient Sequel alongside other GREEN veterans – The African Climate Reality Project, Backsberg Wines, Food Lovers Market and Ster-Kinekor Theatres as well as Farmer’s Weekly and United International Pictures. A decade ago, former US Vice President Al Gore captured the…

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Plastic Free July 2017

July 2017 saw us joining the global Plastic Free July campaign with over a million people from 159 countries. The #PlasticFreeJuly challenge is simple: refuse all single use plastic for the month of July. But actually doing it? Not so simple. When you try to live without single use plastic you quickly realize how deeply…

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GREEN HOME Sponsors 7th Annual Gogolympics

On Friday 28 April gogo’s from rural KwaZulu-Natal converged on Molweni Sports Ground for an action-packed day of fun.  The Gogolympics is a fun day which shows appreciation for the important role that grandmothers play.  These gogo’s care for and support often up to 15 relatives and the community who have been affected by HIV/AIDS.…

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GREEN HOME Sponsors Walking the Daisies

GREEN HOME sponsored Walking the Daisies 2016 with biodegradable food packaging, helping them reach their goal of a zero waste event. Every year, a group of people walk to Rocking the Daisies, a 65 km journey from Cape Town to Cloof Wine Estate in Malmesbury. They then enjoy the music festival for the weekend. Over…

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