What’s Involved in a Zero Waste Restaurant?

We recently read somewhere Zero is the new green. What does that mean? The trendy talk is confusing but there is a buzz and you could be taking advantage of it. We’ve looked into what having a zero waste restaurant involves. Could you? Would you? A zero waste restaurant runs a closed loop operation. It…

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Make a Biodegradable Toy Doll from Leaves

Here is a fun and simple project for children to make a toy doll out of leaves. Use large leaves such as banana leaves or similar that you can find in your garden.  Ours is a very simple model, we’re sure you can think of many creative ideas to make it super cool. Spending time…

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Low Packaging, Low Waste Living

Choosing low packaging products is a huge part of adopting a low waste lifestyle. It takes good planning, knowing where to shop to buy in bulk and teaming up with friends and neighbours.  Here is guide to taking steps towards reducing you and your families footprint. Where do you feel you can reduce your use of…

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DO NOT WASTE WASTE (Part 6) – by Ronald Thomson

It may appear much easier just to throw out organic waste for the Municipality to take care of and then to go down to the local nursery and buy a bag of inorganic fertiliser. But this presents as many problems as vermicomposting appears to give.For starters, municipalities around the world are now refusing to accept…

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Don’t waste, waste (part four) by Ronald Thomson

Those of you who have been following this series will, hopefully, have your own wormery in full production and a steady supply of liquid and solid vermicompost. If not, why not?Liquid vermicompost, or leachate as it is normally called, is a mixture of water run-off and worm urine which is alive with all kinds of…

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Don’t waste, waste (part 3) by Ronald Thomson

Part two introduced the very important member of the worm family called Eisinia fetida. This little creature can be kept in captivity, fed on organic rubbish and will produce excellent-quality compost during its long life. To avoid any confusion, the different species of worm found in the soil are listed here. The difference is mainly…

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Don’t waste waste (Part 2) – by Ronald Thomson

Part one stated that here, in South Africa, we must start recycling our organic waste at source just as we recycle (or should) our inorganic waste. Now, what is organic waste? Quite simply it is anything that was once alive but is now dead and that can be decomposed into compost! This includes all fruit…

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Don’t waste waste! – By Ronald Thomson

Do you resent throwing out all your kitchen and garden organic rubbish? Do you think you should be doing more to help the environment? Would you like a constant supply of excellent-quality liquid and solid compost – at no cost to yourself? If the answer is yes to even one of these questions, then read…

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