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Trashed – No Place for Waste

The issue of plastic waste has been brought to widespread attention in a feature film called Trashed – No Place For Waste produced by Candida Brady and Jeremy Irons.  The film looks at the risks of pollution of our air, land and sea by waste to the environment and how it affects the food chain.  This film was screened at Cannes 2012 and has won 8 international awards. The movie score is written by Vangelis (He wrote the music for Chariots of Fire).

Trashed – No Place for Waste has been shown at the Houses of Parliament in London, The Welsh Assembly, Scottish Parliament, House of the Oireachtas, the National Assembly France, European Parliament in Brussels, the New York Mayor’s Office as well as countless NGO’s.

Read more about Jeremy Iron’s motivations and the experience of filming here. At the end of the article, the question is asked

What do you want people to do once they’ve seen the film?

To which he responds

“I would like them to research whether there is a waste-to-energy plant planned for their area, and, if there is, to oppose it. If there is not, then to discover how their local council deals with their waste. I would like them to lobby their MPs for legislation designed to cut waste and to regulate the production of packaging, particularly plastics containing unreported toxins, and particularly where this packaging is used for foodstuffs and bottled water. I would like them to remove all packaging at the point of purchase, thereby pushing the problem one step back towards the manufacturers.
I would like them to use their ingenuity to discover how they can reduce waste both at home and in their workplace. I would like everybody to give a good shopping bag to at least one person this Christmas. And I would like them to tell their friends to see Trashed.”

This is a movie with a serious message and a serious intended impact (and serious score).

Here is the trailer of the film. We suggest you download it from the website rather than buy the DVD…,q_lossless,to_avif/

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