Great eco friendly packaging designs
We love eco friendly packaging and get really excited when we see packaging made from sustainable and non-toxic resources, packaging that does not require energy intensive processes to recycle and packaging that will not remain forever once it has been discarded.
According to an article published by DC Velocity, more and more consumers are demanding earth-friendly packaging from suppliers of products across many industries. Companies are having to make changes to packaging in order to satisfy customers who are against unnecessary packaging.
There are great advantages to making an environmentally-friendly packaging choice. Aside from the need to satisfy eco-conscious customers, here’s the advantages we see:
- Preservation of the environment. We realise how essential this is when we look around us and see the result that waste and pollution have on our ecosystems and climate.
- Feel good factor. Knowing that you are making a statement and a difference.
- Image: Your brand gets the image of a visionary, forward-thinking, caring and responsible producer.
- Customer buy-in. This has huge value in the world of social media, twitter and Facebook. If you impress people or give them something to think about, chances are they’ll talk about it too.
When you combine the feel good environmentally-friendly factor with the essence of great design you get something very special.
Here are some eco friendly packaging examples that we love.
Takeaway box with seeds – Eat your food. Plant a Plant. Save a Planet. This has a fun and educational aspect to it. The customer can re-use the container, add some soil and plant the seeds on the label. Once the seeds have sprouted plant the container into the ground and watch the seeds grow.