GREEN HOME is now BBBEE Level 2
Just when we thought Level 3 was amazing … we beat our own goals, and reached BBBEE Level 2! We are thrilled to have achieved level 2 this year, April 2020.
We’re excited because the certification is formal recognition for the work we do with our staff, community, suppliers and other businesses. And we’re excited because this certification can benefit you, as a customer.
Our BBBEE certified clients can now claim 125% of their procurement spend with us. It also means you get to feel good about the suppliers you do business with.
We are proud to be actively contributing to South Africa’s growth.
Level 2 Certification requires high levels of contributions towards skills development, enterprise development, socio-economic empowerment and corporate social investment.
We’ve reached the Level 2 goals, with pride in our hearts because these contributions help people and the South African economy.
Going through the BEE Certification process is an opportunity to make a difference. Here are some examples.
Giving Back to the Community
GREEN HOME has been supporting Yiza Ekhaya Soup Kitchen in Khayelitsha since 2010, many years before we got BBBEE recognition for our corporate social investment. Yiza Ekhaya provides food, shelter and a safe space to over 250 children in Kuyasa, one of the poorest neighbourhoods in the country. It is a beacon of hope in the surrounding community.
GREEN HOME has been providing financial, administrative, practical and networking support for Yiza Ekhaya since Mandela Day in 2010. A few years ago, we helped provide Yiza Ekhaya with a permanent structure in the form of Khayelitsha’s first (and SA’s third) Hemp building.
GREEN HOME has built Yiza Ekhaya a website that tells the story of this amazing initiative and provides a platform where the public can make much needed donations. We also manage the Yiza Ekhya Facebook page.
Helping Other Businesses
Enterprise Development is another component of BBBEE certification. This presents a further opportunity to have a positive impact. Again this year we donated Hot Cups to I Love Coffee, a social enterprise who train and employ deaf youth and aim to break down communication barriers between the hearing and the deaf.
I Love Coffee also focus on caring for the environment. We’re happy that our donated Hot Cups can assist them in achieving both financial and environmental sustainability.
Empowering South Africa’s Women
GREEN HOME is a woman-owned business that has focused on empowering women since day one. This commitment has been further strengthened by our BBBEE certification process, with female empowerment strongly reflected in our ownership and equity structure.
Our BBBEE certification process has been a lot of hard work and has been time consuming. But it’s also been rewarding, and we are extremely pleased with the outcome.
We are now committed to continuing the process.
If you’d like to see our certificate, click here.