GREEN HOME Rocked Those Daisies

We packed the car, stocked up on sunblock and hit the road… destination – Rocking The Daisies 2017. And oh did we rock it! Festivals are a ton of fun, plenty to do, friends everywhere and new friends just waiting to be made. The perfect environment to spend a weekend. So what’s the downside? The…

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Eco Film Festival gets eco with GREEN HOME

We ‘re sponsoring the 2015 South African Eco Film Festival At Khula Dhamma with compostable tableware, cutlery and cups etc. The Khula Dhamma is an off the grid retreat center. All compostables used at the event will be composted alongside any food waste. It is super exciting to be part of this event that is…

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Eco friendly sandwich boxes: Made from plants

Sandwiches are the ultimate lunchtime food on the run, only they come in plastic sandwich boxes. Plastic is made from oil, which is non renewable resource. When a used sandwich box is disposed of, it is considered contaminated. Recyclers often don’t accept food contaminated plastic. It either ends up in a landfill or as litter…

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Why Compostable Food Packaging?

Compostable food packaging lasts as long as it is needed and then can be turned into another valuable resource: compost. It offers a closed loop solution to food packaging, a major cause of pollution and litter in our environment and oceans. Compostable food packaging is made from renewable plant based raw materials such as sugar cane…

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