We’re in Business: Yiza Ekhaya Funders Make it Happen

We have exciting news for you! The Adele Drechmeier Trust is sponsoring R150 000 to the Yiza Hemp House project! What does this mean? This means that in one great big leap we have reached the second wave of our project. We can build a rudimentary permanent structure for Mickey’s Project (Yiza Ekhaya).
The Trust was established in 1993 by Adele Julie Drechmeier, during her lifetime, with the purpose of devoting the whole of its net income to charitable purposes of a public nature. Mrs Drechmeier was a family friend of Anne Stern’s father. Anne was appointed trustee in 2003 and has carried forward the legacy along with her husband, Jonathan, who was appointed trustee in 2012.
This is from Anne on how they were able to offer the support they are offering: “The trust tends to principally support feeding schemes for children on an income basis. The capital of the trust has increased, and as the need for public support to charities has grown so greatly, the Trust no longer confines itself to paying out income, but also distributes some of the capital. It is on this basis that we have been able to assist with the Yiza Ekhaya project.”
A huge and hearty thanks to Anne & Jonathan for making the dream real.
Our Ripple campaign tally is adding up too. Each donation gets a whoop of team excitement, so once again, thanks to all the amazing people who have supported the campaign. We have been featured in the South African and will be speaking at the Ripple Launch.
And now, beautiful people, the rest is up to you.
We have 9 days left to raise the remaining amount we need to add the “extras” that will make the YIza Ekhaya Soup Kitchen building a place of community upliftment!
By extras we mean:
- insulation
- sinks,
- tiles on the wall
- paint
- taps, bathrooms fittings
- work tops
- cupboards
- solar geyser (cos sunshine is for free)
- a working, productive veggie garden
Just think how tricky it would be to house and feed two children without these things. Mickey feeds 200 children with out them and she is a pensioner…
Not everyone can be like her, but we can support her because the work she does is amazing and important. And we’ll do it from Hemp because Hemp is amazing and important too, a wonderful, plant-based renewable resource.