Why use compostable products if they end up in a landfill anyway?

Is green waste better than petroleum based waste (the majority of which cannot be recycled)? Our answer is most definitely yes! The primary benefit of compostable products is that that they are made from plant-based raw materials. Crops like sugar cane and corn are used, which are annually renewable. Using compostable food packaging is an alternative to using…

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Why Compostable Food Packaging?

Compostable food packaging lasts as long as it is needed and then can be turned into another valuable resource: compost. It offers a closed loop solution to food packaging, a major cause of pollution and litter in our environment and oceans. Compostable food packaging is made from renewable plant based raw materials such as sugar cane…

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Takeaway Containers that Don’t Cost the Earth

Takeaway containers have become an important part of modern day life.  They offer convenience as many people eat on the go. Takeaway containers are usually made from polystyrene, which is a type of plastic. Polystyrene is incredibly durable and it will break into smaller pieces however, it will not biodegrade or break down into simpler…

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The Compostable Burn Test: Is your compostable cutlery really compostable?

There are utensils on the market that are advertising as compostable cutlery and are being sold at very affordable prices.  Unfortunately there seems to be little regulation around the labeling of products and these utensils do not appear to be compostable. Green Home’s range of cutlery is embossed Compostable, plant-based and 100% compostable.   We understand…

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Great eco friendly packaging designs

We love eco friendly packaging and get really excited when we see packaging made from sustainable and non-toxic resources, packaging that does not require energy intensive processes to recycle and packaging that will not remain forever once it has been discarded. According to an article published by DC Velocity, more and more consumers are demanding…

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Growing Future Packaging

Styrofoam is widely used and becoming increasingly unpopular. It’s made using carcinogens and once discarded after a single use, it takes 100’s of years to decompose, filling up landfills and polluting our environment. In fact, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York city has recently proposed a city wide ban on using food packaging made from it. (Lets hope compostable packaging…

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Choosing Packaging Responsibly

We’d like to start this year getting people thinking about how to reduce the amount of plastic packaging they’re using. According to Cape Town Green Map there is very little demand within the recycling industry in South Africa to recover plastics from post-consumer sources, which means they currently end up at a landfill site. At…

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