Big Business needs to Go Green

According to Graham Terry, Head of the Office of the Executive President at the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and author of ‘Green’, South African corporations need to become enviromentally sustainable if they want to remain competitive. Read the full article on Green Times.

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Plastic sandals might be dangerous to human health

You might want to think twice about buying that plastic pair of sandals or flip-flops this summer. According to this article that appeared on, an international study has exposed high levels of toxins in South African shoes which may be dangerous to your health.

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Hoodwinked in the hothouse

Rising Tide, an organisation based in North America has released its first short yet comprehensive survey of, what they regard as, “bogus” climate change solutions. The 20 page pamphlet — “Hoodwinked in the Hothouse” — covers topics as diverse as Clean Coal, Agrofuels, Geoengineering, Carbon Offsets and over a dozen other non-solutions to the climate…

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Deadline 15th October

The African Carbon Trust together with the Two Oceans Aquarium is running a competition to highlight instances of environmental degradation. “Send us a story of environmental degradation in South Africa that you care about, and ensure that South Africa knows about what problems we need to fix.….and you could also win some cool green prizes.”

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Eurostar train on the right track!

Eurostar Express, a premier express delivery service for many governments, organizations and companies within the region has replaced plastic courier pouches with eco-friendly, biodegradable alternatives. Mr. Raju T Jethwani, Chairman of the Eurostar Group hopes that such a move will encourage other businesses to become more sustainable: “We are sure that this little step of…

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Book Review of ‘Bending the Curve’

The science is indisputable – climate change is a reality. Our lives will change irreversibly as we begin to adapt to these changes and as government, business and individuals begin to dramatically cut emissions to avoid catastrophic climate shifts. While these changes might create uncertainty and some anxiety, they herald a tremendously exciting era of…

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A South African guide to tackling climate change

Bending the Curve was born out of a need for South Africans “to have access to better information about how specific sectors of society can contribute to tackling climate change.” Check out this easy-to-understand, practical guide to how you can help reduce global warming!

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biodegradable chewing gum

As this article in the Telegraph reports, a Mexican farmer, Macario Leyva is in London demonstrating how he taps gum from the chicozapote trees – “a natural product that could be about to revolutionise the gum-chewing habits of the British”.

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