NEWS WATCH: COP17, Climte change in South Africa, SA’s first wind turbine manufacturer and our oceans in peril.
- Durban to Rio could be our Road to Damascus and The Grinch who stole hope: Jay Naidoo of the Daily Maverick with two excellent articles about the failures of COP 17 particularly with regard to fact that the people who are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change are excluded from the process, and how our COP 17 ‘negotiators’ seem to be a large part of the problem. He also offers some inspiring ideas for taking positive action.
- What if…? South Africa in light of a new climate and Climate Change: South Africa Could See Enormous Change: two articles, one local and one international that discuss the potentially devastating effects of climate change in South Africa.
- The first multi-watt wind turbines to be built in SA: For the first time in history wind turbine blades manufactured in South Africa. With the Western Cape government’s ambitious target for renewable energy at 15% by 2014, it’s perfect timing.
- World’s oceans in peril: This in depth article from Al Jazeera discusss it all -Climate change, ocean acidification, plastic pollution, coral bleaching and overfishing are putting our oceans in serious peril.