Over 10 Years of Coming Home

Building Hope in Khayelitsha
Yiza Ekhaya means come home. And that is the perfect name for the Yiza Ekhaya Soup Kitchen. It’s a safe space, that provides food, care and support while building the local community. A place that over 250 children and adults in need can come home to in one of the poorest neighborhoods of Khayelitsha.
Founder and chief caregiver at Yiza Ekhaya is Mickey Linda. And last year she celebrated a milestone. It’s now been more than 10 years since she took a leap of faith and followed her dream to make a positive difference in her community.
Recently, she was interviewed on The Voice of the Cape. She spoke about her journey, the problems she has faced and some of the people and organizations who have helped her along the way.
Click here to listen to this touching interview.
And click here to visit the Yiza Ekhaya website.