What is Eco Friendly Packaging?

Eco Friendly packaging considers the full life cycle of packaging. Along with the functionality of the packaging, it takes into account what happens before and after use. First up, it’s important to know where the raw materials come from. Is the source sustainably managed? Does it contain harmful ingredients? Is it renewable, or fossil fuel-based?…

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A Pesky Teenager? Us?

Hip hip hooray! It’s our birthday. Yup, this month marks a new milestone. It’s been thirteen years since we began introducing bagasse compostable packaging to the South African market, officially launching GREEN HOME. Back then, the company had a staff of two: Catherine Morris and Phindi Dlamini. Both were working out of their garages and…

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GREEN HOME Interviews: Emile Fourie – Industrial Composter

Emile Fourie became an entrepreneur because he saw a flawed system and wanted to do something about it. His company, YWaste, offer a green alternative to landfill which includes a composting service. Emile tells us he’s trying to create a better existence. And he knows that to create change within his chosen arena, the waste…

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ORASA Launch Event in Cape Town

On 18 March 2019 the Organics Recycling Association of South Africa (ORASA) held its official launch event at Hotel Verde in Cape Town.   YWaste’s Emile Fourie MC’d in front of a full house. ORASA’s launch is certainly timely. With organic waste to landfill bans fast approaching in the Western Cape, the need for collaboration…

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