Videos (and other stuff) Of The Month: PLASTIC – The GOOD, The BAD and The UGLY.
The GOOD Stuff: Episode 1 – Take THAT, plastic bags!
Anyone who follows our blog will know how much we love Annie Leonards’ The Story Of Stuff Project, and now they have launched a new monthly podcast series ‘The Good Stuff’. ‘The Good Stuff’ pays tribute to individuals and organisations who’ve rolled up their sleeves and figured out solutions to some big environmental and social challenges, and Episode 1- Take THAT, plastic bags! is just up our alley. Have a listen here.
The BAD Stuff: TEDx – Ken Cook – Plastic Pollution in Our Bodies.
In this informative and somewhat disturbing TEDx talk, Ken Cook, president of Environmantal Working Group, discusses the toxic chemicals leaching into our bodies from plastic containers, plastic packaging and other plastic pollution. WARNING: Only watch this video if you think you can handle the truth.
THE UGLY Stuff? Running the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait – Caps Seurat.
How can a beautiful Seurat painting be ugly? Well the above picture is not a Seurat, but rather depicts 400 000 plastic bottle caps, equal to the average number of plastic bottles consumed in the United States every minute. It forms part of an incredible series by photographer Chris Jordan, ‘Running the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait.’ Follow this link and click on the image and the 400 000 bottle cops will be revealed to you. Also see two million plastic beverage bottles here and 410 000 paper cups here.