GREEN Innovations That Help Eliminate Plastic

Take-away food containers that look biodegradable often have a not-so-silver lining. Lots of paper coffee cups, deli boxes, food trays (and much more) have plastic linings to make them water and oil resistant. These plastic linings are non-compostable (so they can stick around for hundreds or thousands of years). Plus, they can potentially contain harsh…

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DEA Considers a Plastic Ban – so we Visit Them

This week, the lovely Phindi Dlamini from GREEN HOME popped in at the Department of Environmental Affairs. She came bearing a gift for South Africa’s Environmental Affairs Minister, Edna Molewa. Let’s Make Plant-Based Packaging the Norm Recently, Molewa has been speaking out about our plastic pollution problem. And she is reportedly considering a ban on certain single-use…

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We ran Composting Trials of our Products. What Happened?

We recently rolled up our sleeves and ran composting trials of GREEN HOME products at Zero to Landfill Organics (ZTL) in Cape Town. In some ways the trials were predictable (spoiler alert: all our products are compostable) – but there were a few surprises. ZTL is an industrial, or large-scale, composting facility run by Melanie Ludwig.…

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