GREEN GIFTING: Tips for Brilliant Low-Waste Gifts

Want to savor the joy of giving without creating a waste nightmare? We got you. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of brilliant tips for gifts that are fun to give and receive, and don’t create mountains of trash! ‘EXPERIENCE’ Gifts According to Bea Johnson, queen of the Zero Waste movement, centering your life around…

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GREEN-ING Your Event

It’s that time of year. Summer holidays are around the corner and festive season is kicking off, while a steady stream of tourists head to game parks and beaches. The calendar is packed with festivals and markets, weddings and year-end parties. No wonder we call it silly season! If you’re involved with organizing any year-end…

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Visit to The Waterfront Waste Recovery & Recycling Centre

  When last did you think about waste management? It’s not a sexy topic. Which is probably why it tends to get ignored. But we all create waste, and collectively, it causes serious problems. Fortunately, there are people paying attention, and working to bring about change. The V&A Waterfront is at the cutting edge of…

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GREEN Innovations That Help Eliminate Plastic

Take-away food containers that look biodegradable often have a not-so-silver lining. Lots of paper coffee cups, deli boxes, food trays (and much more) have plastic linings to make them water and oil resistant. These plastic linings are non-compostable (so they can stick around for hundreds or thousands of years). Plus, they can potentially contain harsh…

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