Meet our nifty new Toppings Lid

We’re excited to introduce a very cool new product, perfect for the fast approaching summer season. This nifty solution is perfect for crunchy toppings, fresh berries, sauces and dressings that are best added just before eating. It allows you to keep ingredients crisp and crunchy, serving up fresh, flavourful food.

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Generation Restoration

Today is World Environment Day. And the UN is launching #GenerationRestoration and chosen ecosystem restoration as its area of focus, today and for the the next decade!

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Introducing our Extended Range

March is our birthday month, and this year marks 14 great years of bringing biodegradable packaging to the SA market and beyond. Hooray! It’s been an exciting, challenging and rewarding journey so far. And now, like a typical teenager, we’re having a growth spurt. Our latest expansion is in the form of our Extended Range…

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Visioning the Future

After the shake-up and stripping down that was 2020, we’re looking ahead with a strong appreciation for the simple things – the cherished essentials of life. We believe in green business because it protects these things, the things we love and need most. To lead healthy, thriving lives we need healthy, thriving environments.

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Committed to Compostables

GREEN HOME’s big hairy audacious goal is to make plant-based packaging the norm by 2030. And then along came 2020. This year has been one helluva rollercoaster ride, especially within the food industry. However, despite this, we’re seeing something incredible…

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